Thursday, 12 February 2009

Application to redevelop Streatham Megabowl submitted - have your say

A developer has made an application to Lambeth council to construct almost 300 new homes on Streatham High Road.

The proposals are to transform the land between Streatham Megabowl and Caesar’s nightclub into 286 housing units and a new retail area likely to include shops and restaurants. The current façade of the Megabowl will be preserved, but the rest of the existing buildings will be demolished.

The Megabowl redevelopment application and an online comments form can be found here.

To view the application offline, you can see copies of the proposals at Streatham Library or the Town Planning Advice Centre (Phoenix House, 10 Wandsworth Road).


  1. What the f*** has got to do with the fate of Streatham Megabowl and Ceasar's Nightblub. ** KEEP THE COMMENTS RELATIVE TO THE ISSUE AT HAND **

    I feel that Lambeth Council should reject and application and that Megabowl Streatham and Ceasar's Nightclub should re-open, as Streatham needs a decent Nightclub and Bowling Alley.

  2. do we need another, yawn " 1-2 and 3 bedroom apartments with private parking". Give something back to the community that the community actually needs. These buildings once torn down will never be replaced. A block of new apartments is a very poor replacement. Just look at the Canon ABC that got converted and how long did it take. Pityful i think and very sad
